This from the excellent cedarlounge blog. The post in question is here.
Looks like Ciaran Cuffe may be telling porkie pies. Either that, or he is dazed and confused (perhaps as a result of his mauling by VB ... see my post from a few days ago below).
Anyway, Ciaran claims he was at the 1982 Green Party convention in Glencree. One of the founder members of the Green Party, soubresauts, was there and he disagrees with Ciaran.
soubresauts says ... "What struck me most was Cuffe’s reference to his “28 years in the party” and the 1982 party convention in Glencree. It’s repeated, at some length, in Cuffe’s convention speech today (at
Direct Quote from Ciaran's speech:
I want to… recall a meeting that took place in the Glencree Reconciliation Centre in the Wicklow Hills back in 1982.
A small group of people met over the course of a weekend to draft the founding principles of the Green Party that still guide us today. We argued. We disagreed. Some people left the room, some slammed the door, but eventually we came to agreement on seven principles that still guide the Party’s work today.
Striking to me because I was there, and Ciaran Cuffe was not!
And then he gives us some guff about each of the principles. There is no way that Cuffe or anybody else can reconcile what the Greens in Government are doing with the sixth and seventh principles in particular."
The Green Party principles are here.
They are as follows;
1. The impact of society on the environment should not be ecologically disruptive.
2. Conservation of resources is vital to a sustainable society.
3. All political, social and economic decisions should be taken at the lowest effective level.
4. Society should be guided by self-reliance and co-operation at all levels.
5. As caretakers of the Earth, we have the responsibility to pass it on in a fit and healthy state.
6. The need for world peace overrides national and commercial interests.
7. The poverty of two-thirds of the world's family demands a redistribution of the world's resources.
I'll let you decide if what the Greens in Government are doing contravenes any of these principles or not ...
Orbiting, endlessly
30 minutes ago
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