Monday, March 29, 2010

Deirdre deBurca's interview with Village Magazine - March 2010

Deirdre deBurca's interview with Village Magazine about Green Party experiences in Government in full here.

This is a frank and revealing interview. I wont reproduce the interview in any detail here, but I urge you to read what she has to say about the Green Party and the reasons she resigned from the PP.

Some of the responses are also interesting. The following is from David Grey ex-Green Party cllr.

Hi Deirdre,
although not privy to many of the internal workings of the Parliamentary Party it was quite clear and evident looking in from the outside that FF were running rings around the Greens.
I made the point to John Gormley after the local elections that the Party needed to have a “bad cop” to deal with FF, whether that be a Parliamentarian or the Grassroots, John promised me that grassroots involvement in the agreement for the new programme for Govt would happen he even asked me if I would be interested, to which I replied I would, but only if selected by grassroots members!

It was plain to see that FF were falling apart at the time, Biffo was nearly dead in the water, a General election would have finished him as Leader, we held all the cards, especially if we portrayed ourselves as a Party of principle before power.
The Greens could have quite publically been seen as a Party that was wagging the tail of the FF dog, instead they looked like wimps, and as usual John Gormley broke his promises (not for the first time)!

I have since left the Green Party they have sold out on Social issues, many like me have left, we are attempting to form a new political Party which will not sell out on Social issues, will not do just about anything to remain in power & will listen to the people that vote for us!


David Grey- Green Independent

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